Staff & Students of the

Cordially Invite You for the
International Workshop on Profiling Research Publications for Quality Research
Organized by
01/02/2012, Wednesday
Time : 10:00am to 4:00pm
About the Workshop:
Academicians and Scientists engage in constant and continuous research activities to ‘innovate’ which enable the society to have quality life. Thus, originality in research is a requirement to fulfill the agenda given by the society to academics and scientists.
Publication is an integral component in the research process. Publication reflects the character of innovative research and it is used as a yardstick to measure the research contribution. Otherwise, we can state that the research is assessed mainly through publication. Thus, research publications are practically used in tenures, promotion, funding and other related activities. Publications need to reflect the research carried out by a researcher completely. However, in reality many researchers particularly the young ones have difficulties in generating good research publications. There are many questions that remain to be answered.
Ø How to produce qualitative research publication?
Ø How to reflect the research carried out through the publication?
Ø What is impact research?
Ø What is the best way to disseminate research?
Ø How to structure the research publication?
Ø How to assess the reviewed publication?
Ø What is indexed research?
Ø How to integrate the research in the process of global review and indexing?
Ø How to increase the research publication quality and record high research productivity?
The above list is a small fraction of questions in the research publication process. Young researchers need to be motivated to generate high quality research. They need to be focused on the global reviewed and indexed research.
To enable the researchers to understand the research publication process and to participate in the global research network, a training program will be conducted. The training program, a kind of a workshop will discuss the ways to optimize the research publication activities. The proposed workshop will be addressed by eminent and experienced researchers and scientists. This workshop will discuss the structure of research publications, review and indexing process, methods of generating good publications, global databases, research networks and other required research publication activities. The workshop will have presentations by the workshop presenters, illustrations and discussions. The workshop will also have exclusive session on interaction and discussions on ‘Profiling Research Publications’.
The length of the workshop will be one day. The young researchers, academicians and scientists in R & D laboratories are the target audience. The workshop will have key note, presentation with talk and practical illustrations followed by interactive session.
About The College:
“The only service to be given is to give… that education by which character is formed, strength of mind is increased, the intellect is expanded and by which one can stand on one’s own leg”. So goes the emphatic message of Swami Vivekananda. Inspired by this ideal, Swami Chidbhavananda, the great saint, seer and savant, widely known for the power and depth of his spirituality, founded Sri Ramakrishna Tapovanam, Trichy.
Among the seven colleges run by Sri Ramakrishna Tapovanam, Sri Sarada College , Tirunelveli was started in 1986 to cater to the educational needs of the women of the southern districts of the Tamil Nadu. The college was started with 60 students in 3 UG courses. Now the college has grown to students’ strength of 1200 with 9 UG courses & 3 PG Courses. Sarada Library has the collection of 24941 books, 56 magazines, 36 Journals. Our Library is automated with Delplus Software & member of Delnet, Developing Library Network.
Our College is accredited “B Grade” by NAAC. Our college is publishing the Journal “Pragnavani” with ISSN no 2249 – 6017.
Keynote Talk and Workshop Chair:
Pit Pichappan,University of Macau , Macau
Pit Pichappan,
Srimath Sankarandhaji, Administrator
Organizing Committee:
Yathiswari Saravana Bhava Priya Ambaji, Secretary
Smt M.Malarvizhi, Principal
Selvi B.Vijayalakshmi, Librarian
Registration Fees:
Faculty : Rs. 600/-
Scholars/Students: Rs. 300/-
Contact details:
The participants can register and confirm the participation through post / mail / phone.
Address : Sri Sarada College for Women,
Tirunelveli - 627011
Email :
Phone : 0462 – 2520129, 8428777288
Bus Route:
From Junction - 16B, 16C, 16D, 16H, 7C, 32A
From New Bus Stand - 150 Tuticorin
International Workshop on Profiling Research Publications for
Quality Research
Organized by
01/02/2012, Wednesday
Registration Form
Name :
Designation :
Department :
Institution :
Address :
Phone :
E-Mail :
Payment Details:
Bank :
Fees :
D.D. No. :
Date :
Demand Draft may be drawn in favor of Sri Ramakrishna Tapovanam, payable at Tirunelveli.